About us

Welcome to the Plang Website. 

On this Website, you can listen to Bible audio, literacy, videos, photos, culture, and stories of Plang, you can learn more about Plang from this website. 

Verse of the day

“Look to me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.

Isaiah 45:22
Tea trees

700 years old Tea trees 

Plang flag

Plang Flag

Hkanan youth and junior


Children, Youth summer Bible Camp and retrid

Hka nan, Muk cumˊ sunday school children

Hkanan vellige new generations

Lumˊ Plang
Lumˊ Plang

Plang literacy and culture Hall

Introduce and discus Plang literacy and Plang Dictionary




Introduce and discuss with Plang committee about Plang literacy and Plang Dictionary






Bible audio


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